Role Players 2023

World Innovation Congress & Awards

Kruti Bharucha

Founder & CEO

World Innovation Congress & Awards

Nikhil Paul

Chief Technology & Information Officer (CTIO)
6D Technologies

World Innovation Congress & Awards

Rashmee Ragaven

Director : Advanced Manufacturing
Department of Trade, Industry and Competition, South Africa

World Innovation Congress & Awards

Aksh Rohatgi

Country Manager & CEO
ISS Facility Services India Pvt. Ltd.

World Innovation Congress & Awards

Prabir Mishra

CEO, Founder
TRST01, (TrayamBhu Tech Solutions Pvt. Ltd.)

World Innovation Congress & Awards

Yogesh Chaudhary

Jaipur Rugs

World Innovation Congress & Awards

Prateek Madhav

CEO & Co-Founder
Assistech Foundation (ATF)

World Innovation Congress & Awards

Raja Sekhar. B

Founder & CEO
Creative Multimedia

World Innovation Congress & Awards


Founder & CEO

World Innovation Congress & Awards

Rajashri Sai

Impactree Data Technologies and Zuppa Geonavigation

World Innovation Congress & Awards

Rajat Singhania

Founder & CVO
SocioRAC Online Private Limited