Shreyas Bakshi
DWM Innovations Pvt. Ltd.
Shreyas Bakshi has over 35 years of experience in diverse roles on innovation in a
wide variety of domains and contexts.
Currently, he is the founder of DWM Innovations Pvt. Ltd., his 3rd start-up venture
that enables individuals and organisations to make disproportionate growth
happen by leveraging systematic ways of innovation. MyinnovationjourneyS (MijS)
is its flagship online offering,
Over the last two decades he has facilitated leaders of 100+ organisations to:
• Identify game-changing product, service & business offerings
• Transform process efficiencies by ~50% and more
• Institutionalise innovation culture to add ~10% additional profits
• Build a pipeline of opportunities to turnaround, future -proof, gain marketshare etc.
This was achieved by enabling 2500+ people who :
• Generated at least 2x more solutions than other approaches
• Voluntarily raised their goals / targets / aspirations
• Enhanced collaboration within and across teams
• Imbibed the approach and enabled others to apply it
A glimpse of his approach, experiences and impact are documented in :
• ‘Breaking the Silos’ of Innovation Methods, a paper published in the Sep 2020 issue of International Journal of Systematic Innovation
• Dealing with the Mirage: Institutionalising Innovation, a book published in Feb 2021
People with whom he has worked recognise him as an approachable, inspiring &
passionate leader-cum-coach of innovation who understands the dynamics of a
situation and evolves a customised way forward ... a great partner for the CXO.
Shreyas holds a Masters’ degree in Mechanical Engineering from VJTI, Mumbai and
has worked with globally leading organisations in India and England. He has also
headed multiple businesses based on leading-edge technologies.